
Friday 16 March 2012

Rugby, leeks & wine

Moving into the closing weekend of the 6 Nations with what seems almost like an inevitable Grand Slam for Wales on the cards, I thought I’d pass on a great recipe and a food & wine match to help use up all the left over celebratory leeks.

In a heavy cast iron gratin dish, or similar, slowly cook through one leek in good olive oil. If you are of the carnivorous persuasion, add coins of chorizo and colour – if less keen on meat add capers & anchovies. Make a little space in the pan and add chopped hunks of hake (or similar meaty, sustainable, white fish) and cook through for another few minutes until the fish is cooked though.
Da..da! Finished! Quick, fresh & pretty good for you.

Wines to match could be :

Château Haut Grelot 2010, Blaye, Bordeaux - £9.35  RRP
Tempestad Godello 2011, Valdeorras, Spain - £11.45 RRP

Each great in their own special ways. Come on Wales!

Written by Rob Allen, London Trade Sales

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